§ 5.18.180. Certificate of registration—Contents, credentials for solicitors—Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • Upon receipt of such application, the Commission shall forthwith issue the applicant a certificate of registration. The certificate shall remain in force and effect for a period of six months after the issuance thereof, and shall be renewed upon the expiration of this period under the filing of a new application as provided for in this section. Certificates of registration shall bear the name and address of the person by whom the solicitation is to be made, the number of the certificate, the date issued, and a statement that the certificate does not constitute an endorsement by the city or by any of its departments or officers, of the purpose or person conducting the solicitation. All persons to whom certificates of registration have been issued shall furnish credentials to their agents and solicitors in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as set forth in Section 5.18.090 relating to the furnishing of facsimile copies of permits to solicit for charitable purposes. No person shall solicit for any religious cause without having such credentials in his possession, and such person shall, upon demand, present these credentials to any person solicited or to any police officer of the city. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any established person organized and operated exclusively for religious purpose and not operated for the pecuniary profit of any person if the solicitations by such established person are conducted among the members thereof by other members or officers thereof, voluntarily and without remuneration for making such solicitations, or if the solicitations are in the form of collections or contributions at the regular assemblies or services of any such established person.

(Prior code § 3-2.25)