§ 5.20.080. Term of renewals.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Upon satisfactory proof by the licensee that the stock itemized in the original application has not been disposed of, the Chief of Police may renew such license for an additional thirty (30) day period.


    Such proof shall be furnished on a form supplied by the Chief of Police. It shall contain an itemized list of stock on hand and shall be verified under oath.


    The Chief of Police shall cause the same to be examined and investigated and, if satisfied as to the truth of the statements therein contained, the Chief of Police may issue a renewal license for a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days; provided, however, that a maximum of three such renewals may be granted for any such sale for the same location within one year from the issuance of the original license.

(Prior code § 5-18.07)