§ 5.24.070. Permit approval/denial.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The application shall be approved or denied within two business days of receipt of the application unless the proposed filming activity requires extensive review by other city departments due to fire or traffic safety. The film permit shall be approved by the Film Development Office unless determined from consideration of the application or other pertinent information, that any of the following conditions exist:


    The filming activity will substantially disrupt the use of a street at a time when it is usually subject to traffic congestion, or interfere with the operation of emergency vehicles in the proposed permit area.


    The location of the filming activity will substantially interfere with street maintenance work, or a previously authorized excavation permit.


    The proposed permit location is on city property and the filming activity will substantially interfere with other previously authorized activities, contracts or safety of the public or employees while on city property.


    The proposed permit location is on city property and the filming activity will substantially interfere with municipal functions or the scheduled maintenance of city buildings or grounds.


    The filming activity creates a substantial risk of injury to persons or damage to property.


    The applicant failed to complete the application after being requested to do so, or the information contained in the application is found to be false in any material detail.


    The particular filming activity would violate federal, state, or local law including licensing or permit requirements.


    When the grounds for permit denial can be corrected by imposing reasonable permit conditions, the Film Development Office may impose such conditions rather than denying the permit.

(Prior code § 17-1.07)