§ 5.26.120. Permit—Conditions.  

Latest version.
  • Any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the Chief of Police. Any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be subject to such additional conditions as the Chief of Police finds are reasonably related to the purpose of this Chapter.


    The business shall be carried on only in the building located at the street address shown on the license.


    The permittee shall comply with all federal, State, and local laws relating to the sale of firearms or ammunition.


    The permittee shall post conspicuously within the licensed premises the following warning in block letters not less than one inch in height as per Penal Code Section 12071(b)(11):



    Persons Under the Age of 18 Excluded from Establishments Displaying Firearms. No person who maintains or operates any place of business in which firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred shall permit the entry into the premises of persons under the age of 18 years, unless all firearms are completely and wholly kept, displayed or offered within a separate room or enclosure to which persons under the age of 18 years are excluded. Each entrance to such a room or enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered in such room or enclosure and that persons under the age of 18 are excluded.

    A person who maintains or operates any place of business that openly displays firearms without providing for separate enclosures therefor, must prevent entry into the premises of persons prohibited by age under State law from purchasing firearms. The entrance to the establishment shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered on the premises and that persons under the age of 18 are excluded.

    The person who maintains or operates any place of business in which firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred, and his employees, agents, and persons acting under his authority, are each and together separately and jointly responsible for requiring bona fide evidence of identity of persons to prevent the entry of persons not permitted to purchase a firearm under State law by reason of age. Bona fide evidence of identity of the person is a document issued by a federal, State, county, or municipal government, or subdivision or agency therefor, including, but not limited to, a motor vehicle operator's license or an identification card issued to a member of the Armed Forces, which contains the name, date of birth, description, and picture of the person.


    Persons Under the Age of 21 Excluded from Establishments Displaying Concealable Firearms. No person who maintains or operates any place of business in which concealable firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred shall permit the entry into the premises of persons under the age of 21 years, unless all concealable firearms and concealable firearms accessories are completely and wholly kept, displayed or offered within a separate room or enclosure to which persons under the age of 21 years are excluded. Each entrance to such a room or enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered in such room or enclosure and that persons under the age of 21 are excluded.

    A person who maintains or operates any place of business that openly displays concealable firearms without providing for separate enclosures therefor, must prevent entry into the premises of persons prohibited by age under State law from purchasing concealable firearms. The entrance to the establishment shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that firearms are kept, displayed or offered on the premises and that persons under the age of 21 are excluded.

    The person who maintains or operates any place of business in which concealable firearms are kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred, and his employees, agents, and persons acting under his authority, are each and together separately and jointly responsible for requiring bona fide evidence of identity of persons to prevent the entry of persons not permitted to purchase concealable firearms under State law by reason of age. Bona fide evidence of identity of the person is a document issued by a federal, State, county, or municipal government, or subdivision or agency therefor, including, but not limited to, a motor vehicle operator's license or an identification card issued to a member of the Armed Forces, which contains the name, date of birth, description, and picture of the person.


    Persons Prohibited from Possessing Firearms and/or Ammunition Excluded from Establishments Displaying Firearms and/or Ammunition. Persons prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms pursuant to California Penal Code Section 12021 and 12021.1 or possessing or purchasing ammunition pursuant to Penal Code Section 12316(b), or otherwise prohibited by federal, state or local law from possessing or purchasing firearms, shall not enter into or loiter about any firearms dealership, defined as a place of business in which firearms are openly kept, displayed or offered in any manner, sold, furnished or transferred pursuant to Penal Code Section 12070. Each entrance to such an establishment shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that persons prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code Section 12021 are excluded from the premises.

    When a firearms dealer displays or offers for sale firearms within a separate room or enclosure that segregates the firearms, and firearms related accessories (including but not limited to, ammunition, ammunition clips, and holsters) from other general merchandise, each entrance to such a separate room or enclosure shall be signposted in block letters not less than one inch in height to the effect that persons prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code Section 12021 are excluded from entering the separate rooms or enclosures.

    Any dealer engaging in the business of selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm and/or ammunition within the City who knowingly violates the provisions of Subsection G., or fails to adhere to the notice provisions of Subsection G., shall be subject to the penalty provisions of this Chapter, including but not limited to suspension and/or revocation of his or her permit to sell firearms.

    Any person prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to Penal Code Section 12021 who enters into or loiters about firearms dealership in Oakland that has been properly posted pursuant to this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor.


    Inventory Reports. Within the first five business days of April and October of each year, the permittee shall cause a physical inventory to be taken that includes a listing of each firearm held by the permittee by make, model, and serial number, together with a listing of each firearm the permittee has sold since the last inventory period. In addition, the inventory shall include a listing of each firearm lost or stolen that is required to be reported pursuant to Penal Code Section 12071(b)(13). Immediately upon completion of the inventory, the permittee shall forward a copy of the inventory to the address specified by the Chief of Police, by such means as specified by the Chief of Police. With each copy of the inventory, the permittee shall include an affidavit signed by an authorized agent or employee on behalf of the permittee under penalty of perjury stating that within the first five business days of that April or October, as the case may be, the signer personally confirmed the presence of the firearms reported on the inventory. The permittee shall maintain a copy of the inventory on the premises for which the law enforcement permit was issued for a period of not less than five years from the date of the inventory and shall make the copy available for inspection by federal, State or local law enforcement upon request.


    Background Investigation and Verification. Employees, agents or supervisors of the applicant or permittee may not have access to or control over workplace firearms or ammunition until those persons have undergone a law enforcement investigation and background verification process as required by the Chief of Police. A new law enforcement investigation and background verification of such persons must be conducted each time the permittee renews his or her permit, or applies for a new permit. The Chief of Police shall deny the issuance or renewal of a law enforcement permit, or shall revoke an existing permit, if the applicant or permittee allows any employee, agent or supervisor to have access to or control over workplace firearms or ammunition prior to the completion of the law enforcement investigation and background verification of those persons, or if those persons have not undergone the law enforcement investigation and background verification process within the last 365 days.

(Ord. No. 12994, 2-16-2010)