§ 5.30.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter certain words and phrases are defined, and certain provisions shall be construed, as herein set out, unless it shall be apparent from their context that they have a different meaning:

    "Driver" means any person in charge of or operating any public motor vehicle, as defined, either as agent, employee or otherwise, under the direction of the owner, as defined in this section.

    "Limousine" means a closed motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, of private appearance (except as to license plates), not equipped with a taximeter, designed to accommodate a minimum of seven persons, inclusive of the driver, and used for the transportation of persons for hire over and along the public streets, not over a fixed and defined route but, as to route and destination, under the direction of the passenger or person hiring such limousine, the charges for use of which are based upon rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, per week, or per month.

    "Motorbus" means an automobile or other auto-motor-propelled vehicle used in the transportation of passengers for hire over the public streets of the city of Oakland and over a defined route and upon a fixed schedule excepting motorbus continuations of street railway lines and/or a part of a street railway system, and auto stages plying between the city of Oakland and other cities. The term shall include motorbuses used by airlines for transportation of their patrons.

    "Motorcycle escort service" means the furnishing of a motorcycle and rider to lead or escort any funeral cortege or other motor procession for compensation or hire. Wherever the word "driver" is used in this chapter relative to public motor vehicles, it shall be deemed to also refer to a rider of a motorcycle in such escort service.

    "Owner" means any person, firm or corporation having proprietary control of, or right to proprietary control of, any public motor vehicle as defined in this chapter.

    "Private ambulance" means a vehicle for hire to move a sick or injured person.

    "Public motor vehicle" means any "limousine," "sightseeing bus," "motorbus," any vehicle used in a "motorcycle escort service" as defined in this chapter, or any "private ambulance," other than a private ambulance operating in the city solely pursuant to a contract with the county of Alameda to provide emergency ambulance services.

    "Sightseeing bus" means an automobile or other auto-motor-propelled vehicle used in the transportation of passengers for hire over the public streets of the city of Oakland and adjacent highways, leading to scenic, historic, educational, architectural and other places of interest, in order that the passengers may view the same. Sightseeing buses need not run over a defined route or upon a fixed schedule, but must have an established rate of fare which shall cover the entire trip.

(Prior code §§ 5-14.01, 5-14.01(b), 5-14.01(d)—5-14.01(j))