§ 5.30.020. Owner's permit to operate public motor vehicle.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful to operate any public motor vehicle in the city unless the owner thereof shall apply for, and obtain, a permit so to do, which permit shall be applied for, granted and in existence, all in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.02. The application for such owner's permit shall set forth, in addition to the requirements specified in Section 5.02.020, the number of vehicles proposed and a complete description of the vehicles proposed to be operated. In addition thereto, every application for an owner's permit to operate a motorbus shall set forth, in full, the proposed routes and schedules. The contents of such notice in addition to those specified in Section 5.02.050, shall include a statement of the kind and number of the vehicles to be operated and the nature of the proposed operations. The investigating official referred to in Section 5.02.030, to whom the application shall be referred, shall be the Chief of Police.

(Prior code § 5-14.02)