§ 5.30.090. Driver's permit—Procedure and requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Upon application for a driver's permit and before it shall be issued, the driver, whether the owner or otherwise, must evidence a proficient knowledge of the traffic laws of the city of Oakland and of the state of California, and demonstrate his or her ability to operate a public motor vehicle, all to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. Upon satisfying the foregoing requirements, said driver shall be fingerprinted by, and his or her record filed in, the Police Department Bureau of Identification. Said driver shall also file with his or her application two recent photographs (size one and one-half inch by one and one-half inch), one to be filed with his or her application and one to be permanently attached to his or her driver's permit when issued, which permit shall be posted in a place conspicuous from the passengers' compartment of the public motor vehicle while said driver is operating same. Every driver's permit issued hereunder shall set forth the name of the owner for which said driver is authorized to operate a public motor vehicle, and shall be valid only so long as he or she continues in the employ of such owner. Upon the termination of such employment, the said driver shall forthwith surrender his or her driver's permit to the Chief of Police. No such driver's permit shall be granted to any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years. Such driver's permit may be denied upon substantial evidence of facts of either physical or moral deficiencies of the applicant which, in the sound discretion of the Chief of Police, would render such applicant not a competent person to operate a public motor vehicle.

    No such driver's permit issued hereunder shall be transferable in any event.

(Prior code § 5-14.06)