§ 5.30.120. Suspension and revocation of driver's permit.  

Latest version.
  • The City Manager and the Chief of Police, and either of them, shall have the power to revoke or suspend any driver's permit issued hereunder in the event the holder thereof shall be found guilty of a violation of any provisions of this chapter or shall be found guilty of reckless driving, or for the violation of any other provisions of this code or other law; which violation, in the sound discretion of said official, shall be deemed sufficient evidence of the fact that said driver is not a competent person to operate a public motor vehicle. Such revocation by the Chief of Police, together with the reason therefor, shall be forthwith reported to the City Manager.

    In the event of such revocation or suspension of a driver's permit, such certificate as may be issued in connection therewith shall be, by the holder thereof, forthwith surrendered to the Chief of Police.

(Prior code § 5-14.07)