§ 5.30.130. No motorbus in certain area.  

Latest version.
  • In order that the safety of the public may be adequately protected, and to relieve the congested condition of the street traffic now existing, no permit for the operation of any motorbus as such shall hereafter be granted under the provisions of this chapter upon any of the streets of the city within the following described area:

    Commencing at the point of intersection of the north line of Seventh Street with the east line of Clay Street, thence running easterly along the northerly line of Seventh Street to its intersection with the east line of Webster Street, thence northerly along the east line of Webster Street to its intersection with the south line of Twentieth Street, thence westerly along the south line of Twentieth Street to its intersection with the easterly line of San Pablo Avenue; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of San Pablo Avenue to its intersection with the east line of Clay Street produced; thence southerly along said easterly line of Clay Street to its intersection with the north line of Seventh Street, being the point of commencement; provided, however, that the City Manager may, on any public occasion or in case of any public emergency or necessity, and upon oral or written application, grant to holders of permits issued under the provisions of this chapter special permits for such public occasion, or during such public emergency or necessity to operate upon or use any or all of the streets within the area hereinabove described in connection with the route or routes described in the application upon which such permit was issued.

(Prior code § 5-14.09)