§ 5.30.170. Surplus lines insurance—Certificate.  

Latest version.
  • If the insurance company issuing such policy of insurance does not hold a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner of the state of California to do business in the state of California, such certificate shall have endorsed thereon an endorsement executed by the company issuing such policy, which endorsement shall be substantially as follows:

    It is agreed that in the event of a dispute as to the validity of any claim made by the assured under this certificate of insurance, or in the event of any suit instituted by the assured against the company upon this contract, the company hereon will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California, and will comply with all legal requirements necessary to give such courts jurisdiction; and for this purpose said company hereby appoints _______ at Street, _______, California, its agent for the purpose of service of process; and in any suit instituted by the assured against the company upon this contract, the company will abide by the final decision of the courts of said State and settle accordingly.

(Prior code § 5-14.121)