§ 5.30.200. Public motor vehicle stands.  

Latest version.
  • The Traffic Engineer may, upon the written application of any public motor vehicle owner, permit such owner to allow any vehicle operated by him or her to stand at certain places designated for said owner while awaiting employment. Such application shall state the number and kind of vehicles for which the permit is sought and the proposed location of such stands. Such application must be accompanied by the written consent of the person primarily affected by reason of the fact that such vehicle shall stand in front of the premises either owned or occupied by him or her or in which he or she is otherwise interested. Not more than three such vehicles shall be permitted to stand upon either side of a street within the limits of any one block. No permit shall be issued for any stand to be located within seventy-five (75) feet of another such stand on the same side of the street, nor shall more than two stands be granted to any owner for each licensed public motor vehicle. No owner shall permit any vehicle operated by him or her, and no driver shall cause any such vehicle to stand while awaiting employment at any place other than a stand for which a permit has been granted to him or her as herein provided; and not more than one such vehicle shall be so permitted or caused to stand in any one stand at any time; except, however, that where in the discretion of the City Manager, public conveniences so require, two such vehicles shall be permitted or caused to stand in any one stand.

    It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than the driver of a public vehicle for which the stand permit has been issued, to park or leave standing such vehicle in any public motor vehicle stand. All such stands shall be distinctly identified as such.

(Prior code § 5-14.16)