§ 5.30.360. Additional vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • Any owner holding a permit to operate one or more public motor vehicles as provided in this chapter who desires to add to the number of such vehicles shall do so only upon obtaining from the Chief of Police, permission therefor, which shall be granted only upon application made in the same manner and under the same proceedings as are required in this chapter in the instance of obtaining the original permit. Any owner holding a permit to operate one or more public motor vehicles as provided in this chapter, who desires to substitute a different vehicle for a vehicle operated under such permit, shall do so only upon obtaining, from the Chief of Police, permission therefor, which shall be granted only upon written application setting forth the particulars of such proposed substitution, and upon otherwise complying with the requirements of this chapter. The Chief of Police shall have the same authority in granting or denying such application for permission to add or substitute vehicles as is hereinbefore in this chapter vested in him or her in the manner of original applications.

(Prior code § 5-14.27)