§ 5.30.400. Motorbus extensions of street railroads.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions hereinbefore in this chapter set forth in Sections 5.30.010 to 5.30.090, both inclusive, shall not apply to motorbuses operated upon the streets of the city as an extension to, or in connection with, a street railroad. It is unlawful for any person to operate, or cause to permit to be operated, any such motorbus extension to a street railroad unless there exists a valid permit therefor, granted and existing in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.02. The application for such permit shall set forth, in addition to the requirements specified in Section 5.02.020, the fact that the applicant is the owner of a street railroad in the city, and that he or she will operate such motorbus or buses in connection with such street railroad and under the same management, responsibility and control as such street railroad; the route or routes, including the streets proposed to be traversed and the termini thereof; the minimum schedule to be observed, showing minimum times of departure from said termini; the transfer points, or points at which connection is to be made with said street railroad; the number of motorbuses proposed to be operated and the type, horsepower and seating capacity of each of said motorbuses; the age of the applicant if the same is a natural person.

    The investigating official referred to in Section 5.02.030, to whom the application shall be referred, shall be the Chief of Police.

    In addition to the grounds set forth in Section 5.02.060, the granting of such permit may be denied if it is the opinion of the City Manager that the public convenience and necessity do not warrant the operation of such motorbus or buses in accordance with said application.

    Such permit, if granted, shall remain in full force and effect during the life of the franchise of the street railroad with which said bus line connects, or as to which it is an extension thereof, or is operated in connection therewith, but such permit and the service rendered thereunder may be revoked and abandoned upon the application of the holder thereof with the consent of the City Council.

(Prior code § 5-14.31)