§ 5.30.440. Investigation by Health Officer.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the requirements of Section 5.30.020, no application for an owner's permit to operate a private ambulance shall be granted until it has been referred to, and approved by, the Health Officer. It shall be the authority and duty of the Health Officer to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations governing the premises from which the private ambulance is to be operated, the condition of the vehicles, the equipment to be used therein, and the ambulance personnel, as changed from time to time, for the purpose of determining the fitness and suitability thereof from a health, safety and sanitary viewpoint. Findings by the Health Officer that unsanitary or other conditions detrimental to health are found to exist in any private ambulance or private ambulance operation shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of the owner's or driver's permit, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 5.02.080 and 5.30.040.

(Prior code § 5-14.36)