§ 5.34.030. Guest register.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The operator of any hotel shall keep a register on forms approved by or supplied by the city of the names and home or business addresses of all persons to be accommodated with the length of stay indicated.



    Except as otherwise provided in subsection C, the operator or his or her employee shall, at the time of registration, verify the identification of the registrant by requesting to see, and copying onto the registration form, any of the following: the registrant's valid driver's license number, the registrant's valid passport number and country of issuance, a valid military photo identification, and/or a credit card verification of a credit card issued in the registrant's name. The City Manager or his or her designee is authorized to allow the acceptance of other forms of verification, which may include housing vouchers approved by the city and/or the county of Alameda. In such a case the City Manager shall notify hotel operators when and if alternate forms of verification are permitted.


    The operator or his or her employee must also include on the registration forms required by this subdivision the make, type and license number of the registrant's automobile, trailer or other vehicle, and the state in which such vehicle is registered and the year of registration, for any vehicle operated by the registrant that is parked on the premises. Hotels that can demonstrate that they take sufficient reasonable steps to control of access to and from parking areas on the premises shall not be required to include this information on the guest register forms. No person placing any information required by this law shall falsely or inaccurately state such information. The city shall develop forms for recording register information for all hotels that will conform to these requirements.


    In the event that the hotel utilizes a pre-arrival registration or approval procedure that obviates the requirement for an arriving guest to go to the front desk and provide information typically required as part of the hotel's customary registration process, the hotel shall not be required to comply with subsection B of this section; provided, however, that the hotel's pre-arrival registration or approval procedure must be submitted to and approved by the City Manager or his or her designee, and the hotel must obtain such guest-related information of the type specified in subsection B as the City Manager might reasonably require.

(Ord. 12061 § 1 (part), 1998: Ord. 12019 § 1 (part), 1997: prior code § 3-22.02)