§ 5.36.010. Statement of legislative policy.  

Latest version.
  • In enacting this chapter the Oakland City Council recognizes that massage is a viable professional field that offers the public valuable health and therapeutic services. The Council further recognizes that regulating massage and the operation of massage establishments reduces the potential for unlawful activities and exploitation that may threaten individuals practicing massage and the quality of life in our neighborhoods.

    It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to provide minimum fire, sanitation, health and safety standards for massage establishments in the city, and to ensure that persons employed as massage therapists meet minimum training standards and are protected from being exploited to perform nonmassage services.

    It is the intent of the City Council that this chapter apply to any business, location or individual that provides massage services regardless of the business name or individual's title or position. It is also the intent of the City Council that the person, business or entity holding a massage establishment permit be responsible for all activity that occurs on the establishment's premises whether the activity is offered or conducted by the business, the business owner(s), an employee, an independent contractor, an assistant, a sole practitioner, a lessee, sub-lessee or a separate business.

(Ord. 12675 § 4 (part), 2005)