§ 5.36.070. Home occupation solo practitioners.  

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  • A.

    Massage Therapist Permit Required. All home occupation solo practitioners must obtain a massage therapist permit before providing any massage services within his or her own residence or on an out-call massage basis. A massage therapist trainee permit is not a valid permit for home occupation solo practitioners.


    Limitations on number of home occupation solo practitioners per residence. No more than two massage therapists may operate as home occupation solo practitioners in any single residence.


    Requirements. Home occupation solo practitioners shall be regulated under this chapter and shall not be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.112, "Home Occupation Regulations." All home occupation solo practitioners must comply with each of the following requirements:


    Location. Other than on an out-call massage service basis, home occupation solo practitioners shall only operate within their residence, or within a garage which is attached to, and reserved for, such a living unit. When massage services are conducted within a garage, the doors thereof shall be closed.


    Employees. No person other than the massage therapist shall be employed in the conduct of the home occupation solo practitioner.


    Vehicular Storage. No commercial or passenger vehicle advertising or otherwise identifying the home occupation shall be parked on any portion of the lot containing the home occupation where it is visible by the average person at or beyond any lot line of the lot containing the home occupation.


    Traffic Generation. The home occupation shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic substantially greater than that normally generated by residential activities in the surrounding area.


    Nuisances. The home occupation shall be conducted so as not to be a public nuisance, as defined by state law, to the average person at or beyond any lot line of the lot containing the home occupation.


    Application Process. Home occupation solo practitioners must obtain massage therapist permits pursuant to Section 5.36.210.

(Ord. 12675 § 4 (part), 2005)