§ 5.36.200. Massage therapist trainee permits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Eligibility. Any person currently enrolled in a recognized school, as defined in this chapter, may after successfully completing one hundred (100) hours of instruction at a recognized school or combination of recognized schools, be issued a massage therapist trainee permit. This permit allows massage therapist trainees to perform massage services under the direct supervision of a massage therapist permittee.


    Application. Applicants for a massage therapist trainee permit must complete the application form for massage therapist permit and abide by the massage therapist operating requirements in Section 5.36.250. Applicants must also submit a letter signed by the director or administrator of the recognized school showing the date the applicant started school and the applicant's estimated date of graduation.


    Expiration. Massage therapist trainee permits expire one hundred and twenty (120) days after issuance and are not renewable.


    Permits Not Issued if Disqualifying Offenses Committed. A massage therapist trainee permit may not be issued to any person who has committed a disqualifying offense as described in Section 5.36.020.


    Prohibition from Applying for or Obtaining Permits. Any massage therapist trainee permittee that violates any provision in this chapter shall be prohibited from applying for or obtaining any permit under this chapter for five years from the date of violation(s).

(Ord. 12675 § 4 (part), 2005)