§ 5.38.020. Certificate of Health Department.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to maintain or operate, or engage in, the business of making or remaking, and the sale of, mattresses within any building, room, apartment, dwelling, basement or cellar or any other premises within the city, without having first obtained a certificate issued by the Health Department after duly inspecting such premises, and signed by the Health Officer of the city, that the premises are in a sanitary condition and that all arrangements for carrying on the business without injury to public health have been complied with in accordance with the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the city, and that all provisions of law pertaining to the conduct of such establishments have been complied with. Said certificate, when issued, shall be kept displayed in a prominent place on the said premises and shall be varied for a period of one year from the date of issue, at the end of which time a new certificate must be procured as herein provided.

    Such certificate may at any time be revoked, for cause, upon recommendation of the Health Officer and in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 5.02.080.

(Prior code § 5-13.06)