§ 5.38.040. Sterilization—Tag.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit to be renovated or remade, bought, sold or offered for sale, or to have in his or her possession with intent to sell, any renovated or remade or used or secondhand mattress unless the same has been sterilized and has thereto attached, or upon a muslin or linen tag not smaller than three inches square, permanently attached to the covering thereof, a statement, in the English language, setting forth, in type not smaller than twenty (20) point, the following facts:

    This is a (renovated) (used) mattress and has been sterilized with _____(material used) on


    (day)  (month)  (year)

    BY _____

    (firm's name)

    Health Department's Certificate No._____.

(Prior code § 5-13.08)