§ 5.38.060. Statement of materials.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail, or by public auction or otherwise, sell, offer for sale, deliver or consign or auction, or cause or permit the same to be done, or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, deliver or consign, any mattress that shall not have plainly and indelibly stamped or printed thereon, or upon a muslin or linen tag not smaller than three inches square, permanently attached to the covering thereof, a statement, in the English language, setting forth the kind or kinds of materials used in filling the said mattress, and whether the same are, in whole or in part, new or old, or secondhand or shoddy, and the name and address of the manufacturer and/or the vendor thereof, together with the tag required by the provisions of Section 5.38.040, which statement of materials shall be in substantially the following form:




    Vendor _____

    Address _____

    This Article is made in compliance with the Oakland Municipal Code.

(Prior code § 5-13.10)