§ 5.38.070. Mattress materials defined.  

Latest version.
  • In making the statement required by Section 5.38.060 relative to the use of materials in mattresses, or in otherwise representing or defining materials used in any mattress offered for sale in the city, it is unlawful to use the word "felt" as applied to cotton unless it shall be designated whether said "felt" is "felted cotton" or "felted linters"; or to use the word "floss" or words of like import, if there has been used in filling said mattress any materials which are not termed as "Kapok"; or to use the word "hair" unless said mattress is entirely manufactured of animals' hair; or to use any misleading terms or designation; or any term or designation likely to mislead.

    Any mattress made from more than one new material shall have stamped upon the tag attached thereto the percentage of each material so used. Any mattress made from any material of which prior use has been made shall have stamped or printed upon the tag attached thereto, in type not smaller than twenty (20) point, the words "second-hand material." Any mattress made from material known as "shoddy" shall have stamped or printed upon the tag attached thereto, in type not smaller than twenty point, the words "shoddy material."

(Prior code § 5-13.11)