§ 5.46.020. Pawnbrokers—Permits.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to engage in, or carry on, or conduct, or to permit to be carried on, engaged in or conducted, within the city, the business of any pawnbroker, whether as a separate business or in connection with any other business, or to advertise the same by means of signs or notices on buildings or windows, or by distribution of printed circulars or by public display, or otherwise in any manner whatsoever, unless there exists a valid permit therefor, granted and existing in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.02. Both the application for such a permit and the issued permit shall set forth the exact nature of the business to be carried on. In addition, the application shall set forth the requirements specified in Section 5.02.020, and such application shall be accompanied by the signatures of three resident freeholders, certifying to the good moral character and reputation of the person or persons making such application. At the time of filing such application, the applicant and all persons to be directly or indirectly interested in the permit if granted, including all members of any firm or partnership, shall be fingerprinted at the request of the Police Department, and if any such person has been convicted of a felony or any crime involving theft, obtaining money or property by false pretenses, receiving stolen property, extortion, embezzlement, or has violated any provision of this chapter or any other law regulating pawnbrokers, the application for such permit may be denied. Normally, approximately thirty (30) days are required to process the application subsequent to the taking of fingerprints. The investigating official referred to in Section 5.02.030, to whom the application shall be referred, shall be the Chief of Police. In addition to the grounds set forth in Section 5.02.080, any permit may be revoked upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police establishing the fact that such permittee has, or has had, in his or her possession any stolen article without there having been made a record of such article as hereinafter in this chapter provided.

(Prior code § 5-9.02)