§ 5.46.050. Record of transactions.  

Latest version.
  • Every person managing, maintaining or conducting the business of any pawnbroker, secondhand dealer or exchange dealer, in the city shall keep, or cause to be kept, at the store or place of business, a well-bound book containing a record in which shall be legibly entered in the English language, in ink, at the time of every purchase, sale, exchange, pledge, pawn, or other transfer of possession of any article, or loan thereon, a description of such article received or delivered in such transaction sufficient to identify the same including serial number and all particular or prominent marks of identification that may be found on such property, the signature, address, age, sex and description of the person receiving, delivering or transferring the property or who is otherwise dealt with, the amount of money paid or received in such transaction, and the rate of interest, if any, and the date and hour of the transaction.

(Ord. No. 13136, § 1, 10-16-2012; Prior code § 5-9.03)