§ 5.46.060. Inspections and reports.  

Latest version.
  • The record of transactions required by the provisions contained within Section 5.46.050 shall be open for inspection by the Police Department at any time during business hours, and the Police Department shall also have the right to thoroughly inspect the premises, store or place where the business so recorded is being conducted at any time in search of any lost or stolen property, or to compare the entries kept in such records with the articles located on such premises or place of business. All persons in charge of such business, and the agents and employees thereof, shall render to the Police Department such assistance as may be reasonably necessary to enable it in such inspection or search. The person in charge of such business shall provide the Chief of Police, or his or her designated representative, each day excepting holidays, a copy of said record of transactions.

    Any alteration of any copies of transaction as set out in Section 5.46.050 shall be unlawful.

    It is unlawful for any pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, jewelry dealer, or exchange dealer in the city to make any purchase, exchange, pledge, pawn or other transfer of possession of any article unless the same is recorded as set out in Section 5.46.050.

(Prior code § 5-9.04)