§ 5.46.090. Merchandise to be held.  

Latest version.
  • All articles purchased, received, exchanged, pledged, pawned, or otherwise taken into possession by any person maintaining or operating the business of pawnbroker, secondhand dealer or exchange dealer, or the agent thereof, the retention of which is not otherwise provided for by law, shall, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, be held for a period of thirty (30) days before being placed on exhibition, sold, exchanged, removed from the place of business where it was received, or delivered to any person, or otherwise disposed of, provided, however, that any such article may be delivered or returned at any time to the true owner thereof or his or her authorized agent; provided, further, any furniture, household furnishings, files, desks, chairs, safes, or other office equipment need not be held for more than five days pursuant to the provisions of this section.

(Ord. No. 13136, § 1, 10-16-2012; Prior code § 5-9.05)