§ 5.46.180. Scrap dealer's and scrap collector's application.  

Latest version.
  • No permit shall be granted to a scrap dealer or to a scrap collector, as provided in Section 5.46.170, unless the application for a permit is accompanied by the signatures and addresses of three resident freeholders certifying to the good moral character and reputation of the person making such application. At the time of filing such application, the applicant and all persons to be directly or indirectly interested in the business if the permit is granted, shall be fingerprinted at the request of the Oakland Police Department, and if any such person has been convicted of a felony or any crime involving theft, obtaining money or property by false pretenses, receiving stolen property, extortion, embezzlement, or has violated any provision of this chapter, or any law regulating scrap or secondhand personal property, the application for such permit may be denied. Normally, approximately thirty (30) days are required to process the application subsequent to the taking of fingerprints.

(Prior code § 5-9.131)