§ 5.48.020. Peddlers and solicitors—Police certificate.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to solicit or take orders from house to house, or upon any public street, grounds or squares, or within any public buildings, within the city, for the sale of any article, merchandise or other thing of value; or to peddle the same or solicit in such manner any moneys, funds, articles, merchandise, or other thing of value for any charitable, religious, business or other purpose, without a police certificate, provided, however, that no such certificate shall be required of traveling salespersons, or other persons engaged in soliciting or taking orders exclusively from the trade, or established retail dealers, for the delivery of goods, wares or merchandise by wholesale.

    An application for a police certificate required by the provisions of this section shall be made in writing to the Chief of Police, shall be presented in person, and shall set forth the nature of the business of the applicant, the firm or corporation which the applicant represents, the kind of goods or property to be sold, solicited or dealt in, and such further information as the Chief of Police may require. The applicant, upon filing his or her application, may be fingerprinted by the Bureau of Identification at the request of the Oakland Police Department.

    The Chief of Police, if satisfied as to the business practices of the applicant, shall issue to him or her a police certificate to engage in the said business within the city, which certificate shall be effective for a period of one (1) year from date of issuance, and any renewal thereof shall be made upon application made as herein required in the instance of the original application. Such police certificate, together with any license otherwise required of such person by the provisions of this Code, shall be at all times carried by the person therein certified when he or she is engaged in said business. The Chief of Police shall at all times maintain in his or her office a complete list of all persons to whom such police certificates have been issued.

(Ord. No. 13421, § 4, 3-28-2017; prior code § 5-10.02)