§ 5.48.030. "No Peddler" signs.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person carrying on the business of peddling as referred to in Section 5.48.010, or any person pretending to be a peddler, or any solicitor as referred to in Section 5.48.010, or any person pretending to be a solicitor, to ring the bell or knock at the door of any residence or dwelling whereon a sign bearing the words "No Peddlers," or words of similar import, are painted or affixed so as to be exposed to public view, or to peddle, or pretend to peddle, or to solicit or pretend to solicit, in any building wherein or whereon the words "No Peddlers," or words of similar import, are painted or affixed so as to be exposed to public view.

(Prior code § 5-10.03)