§ 5.54.010. Reducing of animal, etc., substances—Regulations.

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to maintain or operate, or permit to be maintained or operated, any establishment for the rendering or reducing of tallow, or other animal or vegetable substance, or to carry on or conduct the business of rendering or reducing the same, unless the rendering, reducing, heating or steaming of any animal or vegetable substance generating noisome or unwholesome odors or gaseous vapors be conducted in steam-tight kettles, tanks or boilers, and in such manner as shall entirely condense, decompose, deodorize or destroy the odors, vapors or gaseous products, or in any event unless the same was established prior to, and has been continuously maintained and conducted since July 1916, or unless the same be located within that certain tract of land bounded and described as follows:

    Beginning at a point where the southeastern boundary line of lands conveyed by deed dated November 7, 1868, and recorded in Liber 36 of Deeds, at page 355, Alameda County Records, intersects the southwestern line of the one hundred (100) foot right of way of the Central Pacific Railroad situated in Brooklyn Township, now a part of said city, and running thence along said line of said railroad right of way South 42° 23′ East 4.26 chains to the center of a ditch; thence along the center of said ditch South 64° 15′ West 6.50 chains more or less to the center of a slough leading to the Bay of San Leandro; thence in a southwesterly direction following the center of said slough to the intersection of the centerline of said slough with the survey of the shore line of the Bay of San Leandro at midway between Stations 201 and 202 of the survey of said shore line in Section 17, Township 2 South, Range 3 West, as shown upon Sale Map No. 10, issued by the Board of Tide Land Commissioners under an Act of the Legislature approved April 1st, 1870; thence along said shore line in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with the said southeastern boundary line of the land conveyed by said deed, so recorded in Liber 36 of Deeds at page 355 of Alameda County Records, as aforesaid; and thence along said boundary line North 47-1/2° East 14.50 chains; North 84-1/2° East 11.25 chains; North 66-3/4° East 16.46 chains; North 58-3/4° East 8.75 chains, and North 61° East 30 links to the point of beginning.

(Prior code § 5-13.04)