§ 5.58.040. Permit—Action on application.  

Latest version.
  • The Chief of Police shall issue a school store permit if he or she is satisfied as to the moral character and fitness of the applicant and employees, if any. In the granting or denying of such permit, the Chief of Police shall give particular consideration to the health, safety and moral welfare of the school children of the community. Such permit shall be transferable only as permitted by the provisions of Section 5.02.070, and may be revoked or suspended by the Chief of Police as in his or her discretion may seem meet and just, for any reason for which the granting of such permit might be lawfully denied, or for any other reason specifically provided in this title. Such revocation or suspension shall be made only upon a hearing granted to the holder of the permit, held before the Chief of Police or his or her designated subordinate after five days' notice to the permit holder, stating the time and place of the hearing, and in general terms the basis for the proposed revocation or suspension. An application for such permit must be denied if any applicant or employee shall be found to have a record of prior conviction of any public offense involving juveniles, morals, liquor, or narcotics; this mandatory denial for prior conviction of listed offenses shall not be construed to limit the authority of the Chief of Police to consider a prior conviction of other offenses by applicant or employees, if any, in making his or her determination of moral character or fitness in the issuance of a permit.

(Prior code § 5-19.04)