§ 5.62.070. Wheel guards.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to run or operate or cause to be run or operated upon or along any street within the city, any street railway car carrying passengers unless such car is equipped with wheel guards which shall be attached to the truck beneath the outer or forward portion of wheels and the outer or forward end of the car. Such wheel guards shall be constructed in a thorough workmanlike manner, of steel and wire mesh, or of steel and hardwood, assembled in the form of a flat or spring scoop which shall extend across under the car body the full width of the truck measured from outside to outside of the car wheels, and it shall be of ample strength to support or sustain an adult human body, and shall be so attached to the truck that the forward edge of the guard shall be not more than four inches above the top of the rails while the guard is in normal position.

    Said guard shall be inspected and kept in repair and maintained in a normal operative condition by the person operating the car to which said wheel guards are attached.

(Prior code § 2-5.07)