§ 5.64.050. Vehicle permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful for any person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm, or association to operate or permit to be operated a taxicab within the City without first obtaining a vehicle permit as specified by this section. Application for a vehicle permit shall be made on a form specified by the City Administrator.


    Upon approval of written application, the holder of a vehicle permit may permanently transfer the permit to a substitute vehicle provided that all provisions of this chapter are met to the satisfaction of the City Administrator.


    Upon written application to the City Administrator, the holder of a vehicle permit may transfer operation of his or her permit to a different fleet management permittee provided that written consent is first obtained from the new fleet manager and the City Administrator. Vehicles transferring operations from one fleet management permittee to another are subject to inspection by the Public Works Agency before such transfer may be approved.


    Vehicle permits issued by the City are the property of the City and shall not be sold, assigned, bequeathed, leased, or transferred, expressly or by operation of law, unless the City Administrator determines that such sale, assignment, or transfer is made to a proposed permittee who is in compliance with the taxicab operating requirements of this chapter. Vehicle permits may be assigned or transferred upon the payment of the vehicle permit transfer fee in the master fee schedule and incidental to the sale or devise of the taxicab business with no consideration being exchanged for the permits. A vehicle permit transfer will not be recognized by the City unless and until all other requirements of this chapter for operating the vehicle have been met. However, nothing contained in this section is intended to impair a valid contractual obligation regarding the temporary transfer of interest in a vehicle permit if such contractual obligation was entered into prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. Whenever at any time after the initial issuance of permits to a business entity, or at any time after the entity was last required to evidence compliance under this provision, there has been in the aggregate a transfer of 51 percent or more of the ownership interest in the entity, the entity may be required by the City Administrator to evidence compliance with the taxicab permittee requirement of this chapter. A complete copy of each contractual agreement in existence at the time of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall be provided to the City Administrator within 30 days.


    Prior to the issuance of a vehicle permit, every applicant for a vehicle permit shall file with the City Administrator a statement, giving the name, address, and telephone number of the taxicab fleet management permittee through which taxicab service is to be made available to the public pursuant to the permit for which application has been made. No vehicle permit shall be registered to more than one fleet management permittee. All outstanding permittees must file such a statement with the Chief of Police within 30 days of the effective date of this chapter.


    The City Administrator shall issue a metallic medallion for each vehicle permit issued pursuant to this chapter upon compliance with the insurance requirements of Section 5.64.090. During all hours of operation of a taxicab the medallion shall be secured as designated by the City Administrator and shall be clearly visible from the exterior of the taxicab. The medallion issued for any vehicle shall be surrendered to the City Administrator at any time that the insurance for that vehicle does not meet the requirements of Section 5.64.090, or at any time the vehicle permit is suspended, and shall be restored to the permittee when proof of insurance is provided to the City Administrator or evidence is provided to the City Administrator that the condition(s) giving rise to the suspension has been corrected. Every taxicab permit holder shall pay the City a sum to cover the cost of producing and processing each such metallic taxicab medallion as may be issued to him or her. Such fees shall be paid at once, upon issuance, in an amount set in the master fee schedule; provided, however, that such medallions may be transferred between vehicles in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any out-of-service taxicab or spare taxicab vehicle with a permit from the City which is driven on the City streets and ways shall display such sign or signs as shall be designated by the City Administrator indicating that such vehicle is out of service.


    To ensure provision of taxi service to persons confined to wheelchairs, for vehicle permits issued after the adoption of this section, there shall be a ratio of at least one ramped taxi per 20 taxis vehicle permits issued. Notwithstanding the transfer provisions of this chapter, vehicle permits issued for ramped taxis shall not be transferred to vehicles incapable of transporting passengers in wheelchairs. With respect to vehicle permits issued after the adoption of this section, ramped taxis shall be maintained in a ratio of at least one ramped taxi to 20 regular taxis.

(Ord. No. 13161, § 4, 5-21-2013)