§ 5.64.090. Insurance requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful for any fleet management permittee or any holder of a vehicle permit to operate or allow to be operated any taxicab unless a valid insurance policy, indicating that a motor vehicle liability policy is in effect which covers such taxicab, has been filed with the City Administrator. The insurance policy must be issued by a company holding a certificate of authority to do insurance business in the State of California, or by a company doing business through an authorized surplus lines broker. Such insurance shall remain in full force and effect at all times for each taxicab permit; provided, however, that the fleet management permittee may temporarily suspend coverage for any covered vehicle not actually in service or being operated on public streets or ways provided that written notice to the Chief of Police has first been provided by the fleet management permittee.


    An insurance policy evidencing motor vehicle liability insurance made by a company doing business through an authorized surplus lines broker shall have on it an endorsement substantially as follows:

    It is agreed that in the event of a dispute as to the validity of any claim made by the insured under this insurance policy, or in the event of any suit instituted by the insured against the company upon this contract, the company hereon will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California, and will comply with all legal requirements necessary to give such courts jurisdiction; and for this purpose said company hereby appoints _______ at _______ Street, _______ California, its agent for the purpose of service of process; and in any suit instituted against the company upon this contract, the company will abide by the final decision of the courts of said State and settle accordingly.


    The motor vehicle liability policy required under the provisions of Subsection A. shall name and insure the registered vehicle owner, the fleet management permittee, any permitted taxi driver, and any other person using or responsible for the use of any such vehicle, with the consent, express or implied, of the owner or fleet management permittee, against loss from liability imposed upon such owner or fleet management permittee by law for injury to, or death of, any person, or damage to property growing out of the maintenance, operation, or ownership of any taxicab, to the amount of limit of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury, death, and property damage.


    Every insurance policy required under the provisions of Subsection A. shall certify that the motor vehicle liability policy shall not be canceled, nor the policy limits thereof changed, except upon 30 days' prior written notice to:

    Business Permits Unit
    City Administrator's Office
    1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 11 th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612

    Such motor vehicle liability insurance shall be continuing liability up to the full amount thereof, notwithstanding any recovery thereon; and such insurance policy shall so certify. The City Administrator is authorized to impose additional requirements for the form or content of any insurance policy, provided the additional requirements are not inconsistent with or prohibited by the provisions of this chapter or with state law.

    Each fleet management permittee shall be required to provide the City Administrator with written notice within 30 days of any changes or amendments to an insurance policy.

    If at any time there arises a question as to the existence, continued validity, adequacy, or sufficiency of a motor vehicle liability policy, the City Administrator may temporarily suspend the fleet management permit or vehicle permit in accordance with Section 5.64.080 and/or may require the registered owner of the motor vehicle or the fleet management permittee named on the policy, or both, to replace such policies within ten days with other policies which meet the requirements established by this chapter. If the owner, fleet management company, or both fails to replace the insurance policy or policies within the said ten-day period with sufficient policies the City Administrator may then continue to suspend or revoke the permits issued to the owner, fleet management permittee, or both in accordance with Section 5.64.080.

    In the event that an insurer has amended or changed a policy four times from the date of its issuance, the fleet management permittee shall be required to file a new, reissued insurance policy with the City Administrator within 30 days after the effective date of any fourth amendment or change.


    The following endorsement shall be made a part of the comprehensive motor vehicle liability policy in the exact language listed below:

    The city, its Council members, officers, agents, and employees are hereby added as additional insureds.


    Every fleet management permittee or holder of a vehicle permit shall provide to the City Administrator written notice within ten days of any final judgment being entered against him or her or against any taxicab company or vehicle under his or her control if that judgment arises from any accident or injury occurring within the limits of the City or if the person injured entered an Oakland permitted taxicab in the City regardless of where the accident occurred. Failure to provide such notice is grounds for revocation of the fleet management permit or vehicle permit in accordance with Section 5.64.080. Failure of a fleet management permittee or taxi vehicle permittee to satisfy a final judgment arising under the conditions heretofore set forth herein within six months of entry of such judgment shall be grounds for revoking the fleet management permit under which the vehicle permittee operated, revoking the vehicle permit, or both.


    Failure to comply with the insurance requirements set forth in this section shall be grounds for revocation pursuant to Section 5.64.080.

(Ord. No. 13161, § 4, 5-21-2013)