§ 5.66.060. Procedure on application.  

Latest version.
  • When an application is filed for a permit under this chapter, the City Clerk shall place the verified copy in the permanent records of his or her office, refer one copy to the City Manager, and one copy to the following officials: Chief of Police, Fire Marshal, Electrical Inspector, Director of City Planning, Building and Housing Official and Plumbing Inspector. Each of the officials to whom the copy of the application is referred shall make such investigation of the application as he or she shall deem advisable and shall make a written report of such investigation, together with his or her recommendations relative to disposal of the application, to the City Manager who shall proceed to act upon said application after a hearing set by the City Clerk for a date certain not less than five nor more than thirty (30) days from the date of filing such application. At such hearing, all persons interested shall be entitled to file objections, protests or recommendations in the premises and be heard. Such hearing may, by the City Manager, be continued over from time to time as circumstances may require, but for not more than sixty (60) days from the date of filing of the application.

(Prior code § 3-16.06)