§ 5.81.050. Application for permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All General applicants shall pay an application fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule. There shall be no application fee for Equity Applicants.


    All applicants shall submit written information to the City Administrator that shall include, as applicable, plans for security, odor mitigation, waste disposal, pest management, product testing, worker safety and compensation, local hiring, non-diversion of product, facility location, applicant complaint history, criminal background checks, plan for minimizing environmental impacts, compliance with City building and fire codes, and any additional information deemed necessary by the City Administrator. The City Administrator may design application forms specific to each permitted category and require inspections of proposed facilities before issuing a permit under this chapter.


    Background checks shall only apply to Applicants and they shall be limited to determining whether in the last seven (7) years an Applicant has been convicted or plead nolo contender or guilty to a violent offense or crime of fraud or deceit as defined by the City Administrator's administrative guidelines.


    Applicants with recent relevant convictions may still petition the City Administrator for reconsideration if they can demonstrate evidence of rehabilitation, such as participation in rehabilitative services and payment of restitution.


    The City Administrator shall establish criteria for minimizing the carbon footprint, environmental impact and resource needs of permitted facilities. Applicants that demonstrate they can satisfy these environmental criteria, such as cultivators seeking to operate greenhouse facilities, will be given preference in the processing of their application.


    All applicants shall demonstrate compliance with State law, during the course of the permit application procedure described under this section, prior to issuing any permit, and upon the issuance of a permit, thereafter.


    Applications for cannabis uses that identify premises located within three hundred (300) feet of a residential zone shall be subject to public notice and applicants must participate in a community meeting before the City Administrator issues a permit. This three-hundred-foot distance shall be determined via a straight line from the property line of the residential zone to the closest property line of the parcel on which the cannabis use is to be located without regard to intervening structures. The City Administrator shall be the investigating official referred to in Section 5.02.030 to whom the application shall be referred. All general applicants subject to this public hearing requirement shall pay any additional public noticing fees. There shall be no application fee for equity applicants.

(Ord. No. 13504, § 3, 10-2-2018; Ord. 13464, § 4, 11-28-2017; Ord. No. 13425, § 3, 3-28-2017; Ord. No. 13371, § 3, adopted May 17, 2016)