§ 5.91.060. Issuance of license.  

Latest version.
  • Upon the receipt of an application for a tobacco retailer's license and the license fee required by this chapter, the Department shall issue a license unless substantial evidence demonstrates that one or more of the following bases for denial exists:


    The information presented in the application is incomplete, inaccurate, or false. Intentionally supplying inaccurate or false information shall be a violation of this chapter.


    The application seeks authorization for tobacco retailing at a location for which this chapter prohibits issuance of tobacco retailer licenses. However, this paragraph shall not constitute a basis for denial of a license if the applicant provides the city with documentation demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant has acquired or is acquiring the location or business in an arm's length transaction.


    The application seeks authorization for tobacco retailing for a proprietor to whom this chapter prohibits a license to be issued.


    The application seeks authorization for tobacco retailing that is prohibited pursuant to this chapter (e.g., mobile vending), that is unlawful pursuant to any provision of this Code, or that is unlawful pursuant to any other law.


    The Department, or the investigating official acting thereon, determines, in its reasonable discretion, that the applicant is not a fit and proper person, either for financial, moral, or other reasons, to conduct or maintain the business, establishment, place, or other thing, to which the application pertains; that the applicant has not complied with the provisions of this code which pertain directly to the maintenance or conduct of the business, establishment, place, or other thing in question or for the violation of any law appertaining thereto; or for any other reason herein-after in this chapter more specifically set forth. In granting or denying the license, the Department shall consider the character of the applicant with respect to morality, honesty and integrity, and all pertinent acts which may concern the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.


    A denial of a license application shall be in writing, citing the reasons for such denial and shall be appealable to the City Administrator per the appeal provisions set forth in Section 5.91.120 of this chapter.

(Ord. 12867 § 2 (part), 2008; Ord. No. 13452, § 2, 9-19-2017)

Editor's note

See the editor's note to § 5.91.040.