§ 5.91.110. Compliance monitoring.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Compliance with this Chapter shall be monitored by the Department and/or by such other city agency, department, or division as may be designated by the City Administrator. Any peace officer may enforce the penal provisions of this Chapter.


    Nothing in this chapter shall create a right of action in any tobacco retailer licensee or other person against the city or its agents.


    Compliance checks shall determine, at a minimum, if the tobacco retailer is conducting business in a manner that complies with tobacco laws regulating youth access to tobacco. When appropriate, the compliance checks shall determine compliance with other laws applicable to tobacco retailing.

(Ord. 12867 § 2 (part), 2008; Ord. No. 13452, § 2, 9-19-2017)

Editor's note

See the editor's note to § 5.91.040.