§ 5.91.150. Enforcement.

Latest version.
  • All officials, departments, and employees of the city vested with the authority to issue permits, certificates, or licenses shall adhere to, and require conformance with, this Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance.


    Violations and Penalties.


    Infractions. Any person who violates, causes, or permits another person to violate any provision of this chapter is guilty of an infraction unless otherwise provided.


    Separate offenses for each day. Any violator shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued, permitted, or caused by such violator and shall be punishable accordingly.


    Any violation a public nuisance. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, any use or condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be and is declared to be a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by the city.


    Injunction as additional remedy. Any violation of any provision of this chapter shall be and is declared to be contrary to the public interest and shall, at the discretion of the city, create a cause of action for injunctive relief.


    Penalties. Any person convicted of an infraction under the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine to the maximum permitted under Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 1.28. Any violation beyond the second conviction within a one-year period may be charged by the District Attorney as a misdemeanor, and the penalty for conviction shall be punishable by a fine or imprisonment to the maximum permitted under Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 1.28.


    Liability for expenses. In addition to the punishment provided by law, a violator is liable for such costs, expenses, and disbursements paid or incurred by the city or any of its contractors in correction, abatement, and prosecution of the violation. Reinspection fees to ascertain compliance with previously noticed or cited violations shall be charged against the owner of the tobacco retailer's license. Fees shall be in the amount described in Section 5.91.070 B.1. for charged reinspections. The inspection official shall give the owner or other responsible party of such affected premises a written notice showing the itemized cost of such chargeable service and requesting payment thereof.

    In any administrative, civil, or special proceeding to abate a public nuisance pursuant to this chapter, the city may, at the initiation of the proceeding, seek an award of attorney's fees. If the city seeks an award of attorney's fees, the award shall be made to the prevailing party. Provided however, that no award may be made to a prevailing party that exceeds the amount of reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the city in the action or proceeding.


    Enforcement. The city designates the Department to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The City Administrator shall have power to adopt rules of procedure and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter; and a copy of such rules of procedure and regulations shall be on file and available for public examination at the Department.


    Inspection and Right of Entry. The Department, or their duly authorized representatives, may enter on any site or into any structure for the purpose of investigation, provided they shall do so in a reasonable manner, whenever they have cause to suspect a violation of any provision of this chapter. An owner or occupant or agent thereof who refuses to permit such entry and investigation shall be guilty of infringing upon the violations and penalties as out- lined in Section 5.91.150 A. and subject to related penalties thereof.


    Remedies are Cumulative. The remedies provided by this chapter are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.


    Youth Decoy Participation. Whenever evidence of a violation of this chapter is obtained in any part through the participation of a person under the age of eighteen (18) years old, such a person shall not be required to appear or give testimony in any civil or administrative process brought to enforce this chapter and the alleged violation shall be adjudicated based upon the sufficiency and persuasiveness of the evidence presented.

(Ord. 12867 § 2 (part), 2008; Ord. No. 13452, § 2, 9-19-2017)

Editor's note

See the editor's note to § 5.91.040.