§ 5.93.030. Humane workload.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. Hotel employees who clean guest rooms are frequently assigned overly burdensome room cleaning quotas and unexpected overtime, which undermines the public interest in ensuring that hotel room cleaners can perform their work in a manner that adequately protects public health and interferes with their ability to meet family and personal obligations. This provision assures that workers receive fair compensation when their workload assignments exceed proscribed limits and prohibits hotel employers from assigning hotel employees overtime work when their shifts exceed ten (10) hours in a day, except in emergency situations, without obtaining workers' informed consent.


    A hotel employer shall not require a room cleaner to clean rooms amounting to more than four thousand (4,000) square feet of floor space, or more than the maximum floor space otherwise specified in this Section, in any one (1), eight-hour workday unless the hotel employer pays the room cleaner twice his or her regular rate of pay for all hours worked by the room cleaner during the workday. If a room cleaner works fewer than eight (8) hours in a workday, the maximum floor space shall be reduced on a prorated basis. When a room cleaner during a workday is assigned to clean any combination of seven (7) or more checkout rooms or additional-bed rooms, the maximum floor space to be cleaned shall be reduced by five hundred (500) square feet for each such checkout or additional-bed room over six (6). The limitations contained herein apply to any combination of spaces, including guest rooms and suites, meeting rooms or hospitality rooms, and apply regardless of the furniture, equipment or amenities in any rooms.


    A hotel employer shall not suffer or permit a hotel employee to work more than ten (10) hours in any workday unless the hotel employee consents. Consents must be written and signed by the hotel employee or communicated electronically through an account or number particular to the hotel employee. No consent is valid unless the hotel employer has advised the hotel employee in writing not more than thirty (30) days preceding the consent that the hotel employee may decline to work more than ten (10) hours in any workday and that the hotel employer will not subject the hotel employee to any adverse action for declining. Such notice shall be provided in each language spoken by more than ten (10) percent or ten (10) hotel employees at the hotel, whichever is less. An assignment in excess of ten (10) hours in a workday due to an emergency situation shall not violate this Section. For purposes of this Section, an "emergency situation" shall mean an immediate threat to public safety or of substantial risk of property loss or destruction.

(Res. No. 87287, § 1, 7-24-2018)