§ 6.04.060. Keeping dogs not licensed, registered and tagged.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to have, harbor or keep, or to cause or permit to be harbored or kept, any dog in the city unless such dog shall be registered and licensed as provided in this title and shall have a collar or leather band attached thereon, on which there shall be a tag inscribed as required by this title; provided, however, that such collar or leather band need not be attached to such dog while such dog remains in the dwelling house of the owner or other person having custody thereof, or in an enclosed yard adjacent thereto.

    Every dog, under four months of age shall be confined to the premises of, or kept under physical restraint by, its owner or harborer. Nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent the sale or transportation of a dog under four months of age.

(Prior code § 3-9.06)