§ 6.04.090. Dogs excepted from license requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of this title requiring dog license shall not apply to any dog owned by or in the charge or care of a nonresident of the city, traveling through the city, or temporarily sojourning therein for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days; nor to any dog brought to the city exclusively for the purpose of entering the same in a dog show or dog exhibition and entered for and kept at any dog show or dog exhibition; nor to any dog owned by a non-resident of the city, when such dog has been regularly licensed in accordance with the laws of the place of residence of such owner and shall have a collar or leather band attached thereon on which there shall be a tag evidencing the existence of an unexpired license for such dog in the place of residence of such owner; nor to dogs less than four months old which are kept confined in or upon the owner's premises.

(Prior code § 3-9.08)