§ 6.04.130. Exemption from payment of dog license fees.  

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  • A.

    The provisions of this title requiring payment of dog license fees shall not apply to a "Seeing Eye dog" actually being used by a blind person, a "signal dog" actually being used by a hearing impaired person, or a "service dog" actually being used by a handicapped person.


    Upon the recommendation of the Associated Charities, the City Auditor and the City Treasurer, and upon the majority vote of the whole Council by resolution, the city shall waive the payment of any such fees or charges of any person who shall have furnished evidence satisfactory to the Associated Charities that such person by reason of unavoidable poverty, merits exemption from the payment of any fees or charges provided for by this title. Such application for exemption from payment must be presented within three days after such fees or charges, or any part thereof, have accrued. Upon such exemption from payment, if the Animal Control Center has any such dogs in custody, the dogs shall be released in the manner as though such fees or charges had been regularly paid by such person so exempted from the payment thereof.

(Prior code § 3-9.11)