§ 6.04.170. Rabies epidemic.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.04.130, whenever in the judgment of the City Council of the city, upon the recommendation of the Health Officer and the City Manager of said city, it shall determine and declare that any disease epidemic exists within the city by reason of rabies, or for any other disease or cause, or reason, and that it is necessary to protect and preserve the public health and safety, the Council of the city shall by resolution declare and determine the existence of an epidemic of such disease, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of the city when so directed by the City Manager, and until such time as it may be determined by said Council that such disease epidemic no longer exists, to immediately destroy or cause to be destroyed, in the event such epidemic is one of rabies, any dog or dogs which may have bitten any person or persons, dog or dogs, or other animal or animals, or which in the judgment of the Health Officer is suffering from the disease of rabies, and to immediately destroy, or cause to be immediately destroyed, the dog or dogs, and such other animal or animals, during the existence of such epidemic, which are declared to be an imminent menace to the public health and safety. During the continuance of such epidemic any person or persons owning any dog or dogs within the city shall keep such dog muzzled at all times while it is at large, and any dog or dogs unmuzzled and running at large upon any of the public streets, lane, alleys, or other public place of the city during the epidemic shall be impounded and destroyed whether or not such dog or dogs be suffering from rabies. Any member of the Police Department is authorized to enforce the provisions thereof.

(Prior code § 3-9.13)