§ 6.04.260. Burying of dead animals.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the duty of all persons having dead animals upon premises, or who shall be the owners or possessors of any dead animal which died within the city, to bury the same under at least four feet packed earth cover, except cats, dogs, or fowl and birds, which shall be buried under at least three feet of packed earth cover, either upon the premises of the owner or upon the premises where such animal is found, or in other approved burial places for dead animals, or to have such dead animal cremated within forty-eight (48) hours after the animal shall die. If any person fails or neglects to bury any dead animal as provided for in this section, then in such case it will be the duty of the Animal Control Center to proceed forthwith to bury or cremate same, and any such person so refusing or neglecting to bury or cause to be buried any such dead animal as herein provided shall be deemed guilty of an infraction. The owner or possessor of any dead animal may submit said dead animal to the Animal Control Center for cremation and, upon payment of the current service fee for destroying animals, the Animal Control Center shall destroy such animal.

(Prior code § 3-9.21)