§ 6.08.120. Restraint or enclosure of potentially dangerous or vicious dogs.  

Latest version.
  • A dog found to be potentially dangerous pursuant to this title shall at all times while not securely confined indoors:


    Be confined in an area which is securely fenced and locked so as to prevent trespass by children and from which the dog cannot escape; and


    When off the property of its owner or keeper humanely muzzled and leashed with a substantial leash not to exceed two feet in length and under the control of a responsible adult who is familiar with and in control of the dog; or


    Humanely confined in a vehicle so that it can neither escape nor inflict injury on passersby.

    For the purposes of this section, a dog which is humanely muzzled and/or confined in a vehicle shall be able to drink, breathe and pant freely under conditions which do not subject the animal to needless suffering.

    When circumstances warrant, the Officer-In-Charge of the Animal Control Section may modify conditions of restraint to accommodate the special needs of the dog.

    A dog found vicious pursuant to this title shall be kept in an outdoor enclosure on the property where the vicious dog is kept and maintained. The enclosure shall be designed in order to prevent the dog from escaping and shall afford the dog with an adequate exercise area as well as permit the animal adequate shelter from the elements, food, and water. While confined within the enclosure the dog shall not be tethered. A vicious dog shall at all times be kept in said outdoor enclosure unless the dog is securely confined inside the dwelling of the owner or keeper or the dog is removed for the purposes of obtaining veterinary care, being sold or given away, complying with any provision of law or with a directive of the City Manager or his or her designee or the Animal Control Section.

(Prior code § 3-9.47)