§ 6.08.130. Notice of disposal or escape of potentially dangerous or vicious dogs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The owner or keeper of any dog found to be potentially dangerous or vicious, pursuant to this title, shall notify the Animal Control Section immediately if the dog has escaped, is unconfined, has attacked another animal, has bitten a human being or has died.


    The owner or keeper of a dog found to be potentially dangerous pursuant to this title, shall notify the Animal Control Section within forty-eight (48) hours if the dog is sold, transferred, or permanently removed from the place where the owner or keeper resided or kept the dog at the time the dog was determined to be potentially dangerous. The owner or keeper shall also inform the Animal Control Section of any new address where the dog is to be kept and of the name, address and telephone number of any new owner.


    The owner or keeper of a dog found to be vicious shall notify the Animal Control Section at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to selling, transferring, or permanently removing the dog to a new location and shall also provide the Animal Control Section with the name, address and telephone number of the new owner of the dog and with the address of any new permanent location of the dog.

(Prior code § 3-9.48)