§ 8.02.030. Alarm system standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It shall be unlawful for any person to install or sell an alarm system which upon activation emits a sound similar to sirens in use on emergency vehicles or for civil defense purposes. This action shall not apply to sirens mounted inside a building which cannot be clearly heard from outside the building.


    Operating an audible alarm system that does not shut off (by manual or automatic operation) within 15 minutes from the time of activation is unlawful. If the alarm system has an automatic shutoff with a rearming phase, the rearming phase must be able to distinguish between an open and a closed circuit, and if the circuit is broken the system shall not rearm.


    No automatic voice dialing device shall be used to initiate an alarm dispatch request.


    All alarm systems shall have a standby backup power supply that will automatically power the operation of the alarm system for a minimum of four hours, should any interruption occur in power to the alarm system. The transfer of power from the primary source to the backup source must occur in a manner which does not activate the alarm.


    Alarm businesses shall not install a device for activating duress, hold-up, or panic alarms in commercial sites that have a single action, non-recessed button.

(Ord. No. 12969, § 4, 7-28-2009)