§ 8.06.020. Posey Tube—Webster Street Tube—Transportation of flammable liquids, explosives and other dangerous articles.  

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  • When appropriate signs are in place giving notice thereof, it is unlawful for any person to transport or carry into or through the Posey or the Webster Street Tube any flammable liquids as defined in, determined by or referenced in Section 34003(c) of the Vehicle Code of the state of California, or any explosives or other dangerous articles. The term "explosives or other dangerous articles" as used herein shall be construed to mean and include all of those explosives, flammable solids, oxidizing materials, corrosive liquids, flammable compressed gases, and poisonous substances listed in Section 72.5 of Part 72 ("Commodity List of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles Containing the Shipping Name or Description of All Articles Subject to Parts 71-78") of the Regulations of the Interstate/Commerce Commission for the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles adopted pursuant to the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 39, Section 835 of the United States Code, and any subsequent amendments thereto.

(Ord. 11933, 1996: prior code § 2-5.22)