§ 8.18.020. Persistent noises a nuisance.  

Latest version.
  • The persistent maintenance or emission of any noise or sound produced by human, animal or mechanical means, between the hours of nine p.m. and seven a.m. next ensuing, which, by reason of its raucous or nerve-racking nature, shall disturb the peace or comfort, or be injurious to the health of any person shall constitute a nuisance.

    Failure to comply with the following provisions shall constitute a nuisance.


    All construction equipment powered by internal combustion engines shall be properly muffled and maintained.


    Unnecessary idling of internal combustion engines is prohibited.


    All stationery noise-generating construction equipment such as tree grinders and air compressors are to be located as far as is practical from existing residences.


    Quiet construction equipment, particularly air compressors, are to be selected whenever possible.


    Use of pile drivers and jack hammers shall be prohibited on Sundays and holidays, except for emergencies and as approved in advance by the Building Official.

    Whenever the existence of any such nuisance shall come to the attention of the Health Officer, it shall be his or her duty to notify in writing the occupant of the premises upon which such nuisance exists, specifying the measures necessary to abate such nuisance, and unless the same is abated within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter, the occupant so notified shall be guilty of an infraction, and the Health Officer shall summarily abate such nuisance.

(Prior code § 3-1.02)